xWebsite 100% ResponsiveYour website will be displayed perfectly in all different screen sizes, also you may use your email accounts on any mobile device.
xFree DomainIn contracting the plan, we give you a domain as long as the service is active. The domain can be (.com), (.net), (.org).
xFree HostingHosting is the physical place where the web page and all e-mails are stored. It will always be free as long as the service stays active.
xEmail AccountsThese are the email accounts that you can use with the name of your domain. The handling and use of these accounts is very easy. Ex. sales@yourname.com
xPages / WebsiteThis are the sections that will contain the Web Page (Example: Home, product, services, contact, etc.). If you require more sections please contact us.
xNo Forced TermFor this plan there are no forced deadlines and it can be cancelled whenever you want without having to pay fines or surcharges for cancellation of the service.